
I once saw this very cool Page and tried to print it... Too bad i never managed to convert that html in a nice large printable format.

So after some time, i finally wrote this piece of code to create Images like this one:

textimage creates a Postscript Image from an Input-Raw-RGB Image (picture.rgb) substituting every Input-Image Pixel by a ASCII-character read from a textfile. You may specify mutiple Textfiles. If the End of the Textfile is reached the next file is used, and finally we wrap around...
currently I only support RGP Input-Images. But you may use convert(1)... (and there are already functions implemented to support multiple Image formats one day.)

Usage: ./textimage pictue.rgb height width [OPTIONS] TEXTFILE [TEXTFILE]*
  [-o FILENAME ] write output to file "FILENAME" instead of STDOUT
  [-c [-u] ]     calculate Fontsize automatically.
                 -u Option gives extra space to not overlap underlength chars.
  [-s FF LL ]    Set Fontsize and Linesize manually to Integer Values FF, LL.
                 Units are Pixels. Fontsize scales in X, Line in Y direction.
                 Default fontsize is 8, linsize 6 pixels.
  [-f PP ]       darken Image (fade) (since white chars on white paper are.
                 usually invisible. Give Percent Value of what 100% white
                 should be faded to (default 85%)
  [-p P ]        set Page Size. Value in Din A (default A4).
  [-P x y W H ]  set custom Page Format in [mm].
                 x,y specify a border-offset (default 10 mm).
                 W,H the width and the height of the Paper.
                 (eg. A4 default is 10,10,210,297)

See also textimage Sourceforge Home


Suggestions, Bug Reports,... please don't hesitate to contact me.
have fun,

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25.Oct 2001 Robin Gareus